PROM/SE encompasses nearly 60 school districts, 7,000 teachers and 300,000 students. 37% of these students come from impoverished homes. Phase II partners include Calhoun ISD, MI; Ingham ISD, MI; Michigan State University; and SMART Consortium, OH. Phase I partners also included: High AIMS Consortium, OH and St. Clair RESA, MI
PROM/SE utilizes a unique combination of research and practice. Detailed data from all students and teachers are gathered. All project activities stem from this data including focusing content standards, aligning standards with instructional materials and improving mathematics and science teaching. Evidence-based and content focused professional development improves the subject matter knowledge of mathematics and science teachers.
Project Contributions

"Despite America's commitment to equal opportunity, the extent to which students are exposed to challenging mathematics content depends not only on which state they live in, but also on the…

"In recent years, US curriculum policy has emphasized standards-based conceptions of curricula in mathematics and science. This paper explores the data from the Third International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS)…

"American students experience vast differences in content coverage across states, school districts and even from classroom to classroom, according to a new book co-written by William H. Schmidt of the…

" This report details a conceptual framework for building science literacy through utilizing the PROM/SE 8+1 fundamental science concepts. One of the most powerful ideas underlying science is that a…

"Promoting Rigorous Outcomes in Mathematics and Science Education (PROM/SE) has released a report called 'The Quest for Coherence', which details project activities and findings over the 8 year project. The…

Posted by: Susan Pettit-Riley . Promoting Rigorous Outcomes in Mathematics and Science Education (PROM/SE) has released a report called 'The Quest for Coherence', which details project activities and findings over the 8 year project. The…

Posted by: Susan Pettit Riley . Promoting Rigorous Outcomes in Mathematics and Science Education (PROM/SE) has published two new issues of The PROM/SE Research Report - "Dividing Opportunities: Tracking in High School Mathematics"...

Promoting Rigorous Outcomes in Mathematics and Science Education (PROM/SE) has published two new issues of The PROM/SE Research Report - "Dividing Opportunities: Tracking in High School Mathematics"...

Posted by: Susan Pettit Riley . Building on the "Origin and Evolution of Life" spring 2008 institute, summer participants will dig deeper into evolution led by Dr. Gregory Forbes. The summer session titled " More on...

Posted by: Susan Pettit Riley . PROM/SE offers three inter-related sessions called "The Evolution of Everything", which will help science associates and teachers explain change in the physical and biological systems from the...

Posted by: Susan Pettit Riley . "This study is part of a larger multi-year comprehensive (K-12) mathematics and science curriculum reform initiative focusing on the connection between implemented and attained high school mathematics...

Posted by: Susan Pettit Riley . PROM/SE will hold its annual Summer Science Institute for K-12 science teachers in participating districts. The four-day institutes will be held in Michigan and Ohio. Courses are developed around topics...

Posted by: Susan Pettit Riley . PROM/SE will hold its annual Summer Mathematics Academies for K-12 mathematics teachers in participating districts. The four-day academies will be held in Michigan and Ohio. PROM/SE Academy courses are...

Posted by: Susan Pettit Riley . The report highlights data collected from over 4,100 K-12 teachers in nearly 60 participating school districts in Michigan and Ohio. PROM/SE surveyed K-12 mathematics teachers about their knowledge of...

Posted by: Susan Pettit Riley . PROM/SE is please to announce that nationally recognized mathematicians and mathematics educators are teaching three academic courses as part of the summer program. The courses are open to all teachers...

Posted by: Susan Pettit Riley . PROM/SE will hold its annual Summer Mathematics Academies for K-12 mathematics teachers in participating districts. The four-day academies will be held in Michigan and Ohio. Academy participants will...

Posted by: Susan Pettit Riley . PROM/SE will hold its annual Summer Science Institutes for K-12 science teachers from participating districts. The four-day institutes will be held in Michigan and Ohio. Institute courses are developed...

Posted by: Susan Pettit Riley . Find out about project highlights, programs, research and results at Just click on What's New on the home page.

Posted by: Susan Pettit Riley . This report is the first in a series of PROM/SE Research Reports highlighting key findings from the PROM/SE data collected from over 60 participating districts and 200,000 students in Michigan...